Karen's clothes
Yes, you can see spoiler... But.. I will not tell anything! >:-)
I did it again but it is still rather missed...
Darkrai is the Pokémon Master of Nightmares and it relates to Freddy so I chose to make her a wedding dress inspired by the appearance of this Pokémon.
When I participated to "Gerland expose ses talents 2018", this "Darkrai wedding dress" was in my view holders. A woman saw it and interpreted the drawing by herself. And you know what? She guessed the story, story that I reveal to NO ONE OF YOU! When she said the "symbols" on the drawing, it's true, I never though about them when I made it. My goal was at first to make a wedding dress related to nightmares and Darkrai is perfect because he represents nightmares in Pokémon (and I love Pokémon).
I'm recapitulating what she said:
-hands turned backwards
-the colour of the dress
-her face
-->Marriage Goes Wrong, death. Tragic destiny.
And it's true: Karen died at the end of My neighbours the Krueger. She guessed too the end of the main story. I answered: "She dies at the end. And she marry with her dreams, her nightmare, because it's her freedom.".
She finds freedom in death.
That's basically it. I congratulate this lady for having guessed by looking at my drawing and her details while I myself had not calculated them! ^^
Tags : karen, freddy, krueger, nightmare on elm street, i spit on your grave, white dress, darkrai, pokemon, wedding dress, x reader