SECOND GAME: a little story (The French kiss (here: black & white version))
I recall that the first game was a simple question... Only one person answered and you know what? She won! So I will take care of his reward...
Here we change squarely!RULES, PURPOSE, CONDUCT:
The goal of this game is to guess what will happen.
I drew a little story, and every week (normally) I'll post the sequel...
So, as I said, I guess what's going to happen in the next few boxes. You do not know how many there will be, nor what is the length of the story...If a person has seen right, she will win a drawing at the command... And if she guessed just for everything, that she found everything, she'll win the board in color!
I summarize: 1 good answer: Drawing to choose, all good: board in color!
The answer will not be revealed until the next post. When the sequel is posted, the name of the person who guessed just will be mentioned and can ask what she wants in drawing!
(if it is still not clear enough do not hesitate to question me)Besides this story came to mind like that, I had told myself that it could be fun to parody a certain moment of Freddy VS. Jason... And as this moment had made a lot of laughs Vincent Damiani, well the little story is dedicated to him!! ^^
FIRST SEQUENCE (11/03/2018):
Number 1: initial situation. It's up to you to guess what will happen! How do you feel Karen will react? :-) You have until next week to find the answer! ^^
The person who will find will win a drawing to the order! :-)SECOND SEQUENCE (18/03/2018):
(25/03/2018: Sorry I forgot to published it here on the blog last week, shame on me!! >o<)
So first of all: 1: Yes it's pretty disgusting but I did this primarily to amuse myself and to try to make you laugh a little and in any case you have to say things after a while: In the saga there are some disgusting things. and 2, note that this is supposed to unfold very quickly, what you see. Alas I did not manage to transcribe it, it was super hard to draw for me. Already nothing but the idea in itself I have drooled to put it on paper, but normally Karen is supposed to be super vivid in doing the action... Thing I did not manage to do. (Let's say I had a choice between the two and I made my choice, that's it.)
Otherwise, even if Vincent Damiani was the closest to finding what was going to happen, it wasn't quite that either... So no winner this time! By the way, Pedro Pedro's proposal was quite funny (but I do not see the report :-o :-o)
Come on, the story is not quite finished yet, there is still a little to tell... And it's always the same: it's up to you to guess what's going to happen!THIRD SEQUENCE (25/03/2018):
Penultimate stage of the game! For the second, no one has offered anything, too bad! :-(
Anyway, you know the rule, the course, etc... More than one last box to guess, and it will be revealed to you next week!
So I just specify one thing, the last box will seem to force a bit the end and I am absolutely sorry, it is true that I could have introduced a box more after but I did not do it because I did not think about the moment , and I wanted the story to fit on one page, nor did I have time.
Stop blah, you have until next Saturday/next Sunday to guess the end! Since no one has found everything so far, NO ONE will win the BOARD IN COLOUR. But I'll publish it anyway. On the other hand, if you can guess what will happen next (plus it will be the end), you will win a drawing with the order, at your choice!
Next week!LAST SEQUENCE (01/04/2018):
And this is the end of this story! Well, (no one/) nobody gave any idea what was going to happen, too bad! xp
Find the history in color on the group and here! Thanks to those who tried it during the first publication.
Tags : freddy, krueger, karen, french, kiss, tongue